
Monday, September 24, 2012

We have three new children as of last week. We got two twin girls and their older sibling!
Priscilla, Celine, Alyce ( not sure if i spelled those right :) They are very sweet girls and I've enjoyed getting to play with them. On Friday Peter and Maryann took us to the market in Eldoret so we could get some clothes for Alyce because we didn't have any for her size! They have this market every Friday in Eldoret west were it seemed like hundreds of people had their tarps/blankets set up selling either new or used clothing. I wish we had brought our camera with us, there was a sea of thousands of people there. It was a good experience and we hope to go back in the future. On another note my ( Danielle ) heart has been heavy, full of questions. I was talking to one of the ladies that works at the childrens home last night and she told me she walks 2 hours to and from work! 4 hours a day of just walking !!!! It made me sad that just to be able to make some money ( which isn't much, about 4 or 5 dollars a day in the U.S. ) she spends that much time walking just to be able to have a job. So do many of the other workers here, and I was told the other day there is a 60 % unemployment rate here.. I've often wondered, Why did GOD place me where he did when he could have placed me anywhere else in the world that doesn't have as much as we did. Why was I blessed so much ? And why do these people have to endure all the things they do and still praise GOD more than I do and don't question him as much. Why do I get upset over such silly things and not trust GOD over simple everyday things ? Maybe thats why I was sent here, so I can learn again to have faith like a child, and hopefully help some of these children and people while im here....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our First Week

Our first week has been busy/hard, but we have gotten to meet some wonderful little kids that we already love and are excited to take care of. Our flight went well and we got to Eldoret without any trouble. Thanks for all of the prayers and encouragement ! The second day we got here they went and picked up five more children Karen, Asa, Jacob, Enoch, and Elias. We have had a lot of fun playing with them and getting to know them. Then on Monday morning when we woke up we found out Job had passed during the night. He had come to the home with stomach problems and was advised by the doctors just to keep feeding him protein but he did not get better. He was the sweetest little boy you would ever meet. He always wanted to sit in our laps and hold our hands, and he was my little helper the first few days when i didn't know where to find anything. Even though we couldn't understand each other because he only speaks Swahili, he would take me by the hand and show me where to go :) . I know he is in heaven with Jesus without his stomach pains anymore but it still has been a very sad week. We just got back from his funeral a few minutes ago. Please also be in prayer for Rachel. She came to the home with meningitis and now they think she may have cerebral palsy. We start Swahili lessons on Monday for an hour a day ! Please be in prayer for that also. We don't have internet regularly so we will try and update as we can. We have taken some pictures and will try and get them uploaded soon.